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Archives for July 2010

Weekly News #17

By Dri on July 30th, 2010, posted in Reckless Squad

Hi, it’s been a while since our last news !

I want to thanks all the beta testers that played the game and sent us some feedback, it has been really useful, and it helps us understand what you expect from Reckless Squad.

It’s now time for us to go back to work, and we have some news for you !

First, our team grew to include Franck, one of our classmate, he will help us with the programming for the 3 months to come. Please, say “hi” to Franck !

Franck is currently working on the tutorial for Reckless Squad, the most-wanted feature from the play testers.

We also added an infinite mode, those things are trendy these days, but it’s amazing how well it suits the gameplay of Reckless Squad. Basically the cart stays at the center of a big arena, and you must protect it against unstopping waves of enemies. After 10 waves, you can buy new units and the fight resumes, with even more opponents !

At last but not least, the composer John Imbler is working on Reckless Squad’s soundtrack. He’s very talented and dedicated, and the music of the game is coming along nicely. You should be able to hear a sample of it soon and be as amazed as I am.

See you next week !

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Reckless Squad : Beta Test

By Dri on July 5th, 2010, posted in Reckless Squad

Hello, we have good news for you !

We are now ready for a second beta-test phase, and we need your help !

Basically we want you to play the game and to send us your feedback. The goal is to gather suggestions from the players and discover the problems in the gameplay as early as possible.

It’s pretty simple to attend : just send an email to contact@d2p-games.com with “Reckless Squad beta” as a subject.

We will definitely appreciate if you describe your background as a gamer a little, so we can figure out which kind of gamer you are. It’s important for us to have feedback from people with different backgrounds.

We don’t have a fixed limit for testers, but we want to keep the number of testers manageable, so it’s possible that we won’t accept everyone.

If you’re accepted, we will reply to your email with the instructions to download the beta version of Reckless Squad.

The beta test will end July 26th.

The beta-test version is available in French and English for Windows only.

We’re counting on you !

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