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Archives for March 2010

Weekly News #8

By Dri on March 26th, 2010, posted in Reckless Squad

Hi !

This week wasn’t the most productive one for us… We spent a lot of time struggling with hard and mathematical problems. We really hate maths…

I personally fought against pathfinding to implement the famous A* algorithm. It finally works (yay !), but it still need some refinements and optimizations. I also made more sprites, like the Knight, Blackmage, Rogue, etc.

Paul worked on balancing and Dax implemented transitions between the screens.

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Weekly News #7

By Dri on March 19th, 2010, posted in Reckless Squad

Hello world !

Reckless Squad is becoming more and more as we imagined it, and it amazes me ! As we progress toward the private beta, the game is taking a more final shape.
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Weekly News #6

By Dri on March 12th, 2010, posted in Reckless Squad

Hi !

As you may have noticed, we didn’t made any Weekly News these last two weeks. The truth is we had some holidays (we’re students).

However, it doesn’t mean that we didn’t work on Reckless Squad ! We used the first week to take some rest (even indies need rest !) but we worked hard the second week. Now it’s time to show you what we achieved !

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