D2P Games
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Archives for January 2010

Weekly News #2

By Dri on January 29th, 2010, posted in Reckless Squad

Hello everybody !

The game is now a lot more stable, we had made tremendous progress on the technical part, and started implementing units and balance them.

Let me introduce you to some of them !

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Weekly News #1 : Animations, User Interface and Artificial Intelligence

By Dax on January 22nd, 2010, posted in Reckless Squad

Hi everybody, welcome to our first weekly update !
Besides fixing some bugs, we have done four major updates this week.

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Announcing Reckless Squad !

By Dri on January 15th, 2010, posted in Reckless Squad

Hi ! I hope you enjoyed your holidays, and that you have taken good resolutions for 2010, we sure did.

We are coming this year with great news ! We are ready to announce to the world our first project ! It’s called Reckless Squad.

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