D2P Games
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Archives for December 2010

One year and new design!

By Dax on December 16th, 2010, posted in D2P Games

As of today, December 15, D2P Games is one year old!

We officially created the company exactly one year ago, and since then we have published our first title, Reckless Squad.

With our new games being in development, this second year promises to be really interesting!

In order to celebrate this birthday, we changed the design of the website, I think it’s better, more clear and spacious. Tell us what you think of it!

I hope you will follow us this year as well to share those good moments with us!

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-50% off on GamersGate this week!

By Dax on December 6th, 2010, posted in Reckless Squad

Holidays are coming on GamersGate, and this week Reckless Squad is -50% off!

You can buy it for only $3!

Reckless Squad on GamersGate

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